洋書WONDERの何となく英語解説 p119~123


So I just went over and sat with him. だから私は、通り過ぎて彼と一緒に座った。

go over の意味




・go over toで~に行く


Not a biggie. 大したことじゃないよ。

big deal→biggie。よくno biggieで使われる。これは気にしないでって意味。


The plague ペスト、疫病

All they want to do is "hang out" and "talk" at recess.

recess 休憩時間

recession 不景気

He likes to play Four Square

Four Square はアメリカの遊び。4人でやる卓球みたいなもの。


Apparently this is a "game" that's been going on since the beginning of the year.

apparently どうやら

find hand sanitizer before thay catch the Plague

sanitizer 消毒液


I shouldn't go around bragging to anyone that I got invited.

brag 自慢する(boastより鼻につく感じ)

the Goth girl getup that I'd worn to school. 私が学校に着ていったゴスガールの衣装

getup 衣装

Thet was kind of a bummer, but okay.

bummer 残念

that's a bummer ドンマイ


I snuck upstairs without anyone seeing me. 私は誰も私を見ることなくこっそり階段を登った。


The halloween Parade was in full swing down Amesfort Avenue.

in full swing たけなわで